#JobStart opportunities with Mid and East Antrim Community Advice Services
The JobStart scheme, run by the #DepartmentforCommunities has developed to help people ages 16 to 24 to get into the job market through a six-month paid employment opportunity.
Six roles are available at MEACAS two for each of our offices in Ballymena, Carrickfergus, and Larne.
📌 Ballymena – https://tinyurl.com/4chv5rvn
📌 Carrickfergus – https://tinyurl.com/5n96nbfy
📌 Larne – https://tinyurl.com/yc3pwz6s
If you are on UC, contact your Work Coach via your Journal. If you are in receipt of JSA, IS or ESA phone a Work Coach on 0300 200 7807. If you are 18-24 years and not in receipt of benefits phone 028 9072 6797 to check if you are eligible for the Scheme.